Frequently asked questions

How many people do you need for a trip to go ahead?
We run with a minimum of 4 adults, maximum of 12.
Dover Explorer; min 6
Blue Dragon min; 4

Can I book and pay online at anytime?
You may book a safari and use our secure payment facility 24/7 on our website.

Is there a cancellation charge?
Yes we do have a sliding scale for cancellations
See our T&C's for the latest charges

I want to go on a trip but there is not one on the website?
Give us a call or send us a message via email and we will try to put on what you would like to do.

What happens if the weather is bad?
If the weather is unsuitable for sailing then Dover Sea Safari will cancel the safari within half an hour prior to departure time.  It is important when giving your details to give us a telephone number that we can contact you on at short notice.
It is the decision of the Skipper  as to whether we sail. The Skipper decision is final.
We will reschedule your booking for another time.

Can I get a refund for a cancelled Safari?
Only if cancelled by us due to adverse windy weather.

How far ahead can I book for the next season?
You can go to our website and book safari’s online, or give us a call to make a booking right through to the end of the season.

Who can't travel?
Dover Sea Safari advises you not to travel with us if you are pregnant, or have any historical/current backbone /neck pain or injury. However the decision is down to you.

Is the experience suitable for young children?
All children must wear the child life-jackets that we supply. The Skipper will take sea conditions into account before allowing infants to travel.

What should I wear?
Generally it is a lot colder at sea than on land. Layers of clothes should be worn as opposed to one or two thick layers. It is also advisable to wear headgear and we would ask that our passengers would wear flat-heeled shoes. Dover Sea Safari will provide you with splash gear however we are not liable in the event of your own clothes underneath getting damaged. We will of course also supply the all important mandatory life-jackets.